Choose Immortality:

You Can Live Forever
In the next minute you will discover the best five ways to achieve everlasting life.
1. Be KIND to someone who is NEEDY.
This can be charity money to the poor. But there are ways to show generosity that cost you no money at all. Such as, visiting the sick, consoling mourners, giving a depressed person encouragement, listening to someone who needs a friend. God will surely reward you for bestowing kindness on needy people.
2. Be HONEST with other people’s money.
You don’t rob banks or pickpocket pedestrians. But have you ever used someone’s personal belonging’s or office supplies without permission. Have you ever been late in paying back a debt? Have you ever underpaid or overcharged a customer or client? Avoiding these pitfalls is great way to please the Creator who loves only people who are honest, and steer away from even the slightest forms of theft.
3. Be GRATEFUL to God for His Kindness
Are you suffering from cancer? Do you live in hospital ward? Can you see with both eyes? Can you walk down the street without pain? Can you go to the bathroom without pain and without assistance? If the answer to any one of these questions is ‘yes’, then you owe God 1,000,000 thank you’s. Keep up your attitude of gratitude, and God may decide to reward you with goodness in this world and the next!
4. Make PEACE Between People Who are Bickering
You have seen this 1,000 times, two grown people bickering with one another like a bunch of babies. Do you think the Almighty wants to see his precious children hurting each other’s feelings with name-calling and puerile feuding? If you can be an exemplar of peace and make people want to get along with each other amiably instead of warring at each other’s throats, then God might feel very satisfied with your efforts, and give you a front seat in the world to come.
5. Don’t ANSWER Back to Insults
Isn’t it soo difficult to keep your mouth shut when someone embarrasses you in public? But before you lash out with a witty comeback, remember that you can achieve 10,000 pounds of pure gold by biting your lip, and letting the other person have their way. When God is looking over our sins, He may decide to conveniently overlook yours, simply because He knows that you are not particular over your ego and honor.
Have and nice trip!
You are on your way to earning eternal reward. Have a happy long life, and enjoy Heaven when you get there.